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Report Employee Misconduct

ATF takes allegations of misconduct seriously. ATF employees are held to a high standard of conduct and are expected to maintain the highest ethics in both their professional and private lives. The Office of Professional Responsibility and Security Operations, Internal Affairs Division (IAD), takes an active role in preserving ATF’s credibility and ensuring employees serve the public with honesty, integrity, and professionalism. When warranted, IAD impartially investigates allegations of administrative and criminal misconduct and makes reports to the Office of the Inspector General in the Department of Justice on significant investigations.

What should I report?

  • Employee corruption involving bribery, embezzlement, espionage, smuggling, or other crimes;
  • Civil rights abuses involving custodial deaths, denial of rights, improper profiling or bias, or excessive use of force;
  • Criminal or non-criminal misconduct involving abuse or violence; unauthorized use of ATF systems, equipment, or authority; suspicious activity; governmental ethics violations; or prohibited personnel practices.

How should I report it?

Please think carefully about the allegation and any information you have available that might help determine whether mismanagement or misconduct has occurred. To ensure that IAD can thoroughly investigate your allegation, you will need to provide as much information as possible regarding the suspect and victim. Your information should include:

  • Who committed the wrongdoing.
  • What exactly the individual did.
  • Where the activity took place.
  • When it happened.
  • How the activity was committed.
  • Why the person committed the wrongdoing.
  • Other people who might have knowledge of the wrongdoing.
  • How IAD can contact you for additional information.

Without sufficient information, IAD may be unable to act on your allegation. The more information you can provide, the better chance IAD has of determining whether any misconduct has occurred. Please also consider that this process is intended for serious allegations only, and any minor complaints should be referred to your local ATF office.

If, after having considered the above information, you have a complaint or allegation of misconduct you would like to report, please contact the Internal Affairs Division at 571-699-2300 and ask to speak to the duty agent.

Last Updated: March 27, 2023

An official website of the U.S. Department of Justice

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