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ATF Field Divisions

Field DivisionState(s) covered
Atlanta Georgia
Baltimore Maryland, Delaware
Boston Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont
Charlotte North Carolina, South Carolina
Chicago Northern Illinois, Northern Indiana, Eastern Wisconsin
Columbus Southern Indiana, Ohio
Dallas Northwest Texas, Oklahoma
Denver Colorado, Montana, Utah, Wyoming
Detroit Michigan
Houston Southeast Texas
Kansas City Southern Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska
Los Angeles Southern California
Louisville Kentucky, West Virginia
Miami Southeast Florida, the Caribbean
Nashville Alabama, Tennessee
Newark New Jersey
New Orleans Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi
New York New York
Philadelphia Pennsylvania
Phoenix Arizona, New Mexico
San Francisco Northern California, Nevada
Seattle Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Oregon, Washington
St. Paul Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Western Wisconsin
Tampa Northwest Florida
Washington District of Columbia, Virginia


Last Updated: December 5, 2024

An official website of the U.S. Department of Justice

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