Timeline of Events
May 1992
June 1992
July 1992
October 1992
A reporter with the Waco Tribune-Herald calls Assistant U.S. Attorney Bill Johnston in Waco, to ask what constitutes as an illegal firearm. After the call, Johnston notifies ATF that the newspaper is working on a story.
November 1992
Agent Aguilera interviews former cult members for insight into Koresh's control over residents, including engaging in sexual activity with all female members and sexually and physically abusing the children.
December 1992
January 1993
Aguilera does a background check on all current residents of the compound, determined to be 75. Finds that several had been arrested, convicted or were under investigation for crimes ranging from fraud to smuggling and narcotics offenses. Forty residents are foreign nationals, a portion of which are illegal aliens. It is unlawful for either an illegal alien or person convicted of a crime punishable by more than one year of imprisonment to possess any type of firearm. Aguilera obtains technical assistance from several ATF firearm technical experts on firearms types and potential conversions. ATF develops plans for serving warrants and tactical planning aspects of the investigation. Upon presenting probable cause to ATF directors, Aguilera presents information to the Assistant U.S. Attorney to obtain warrants. Agents Aguilera and Bill Buford interview several former cult members, including those Aguilera previously interviewed. Several former cult members note the distinct possibility that Koresh might respond to a siege by leading his followers in a mass suicide, with one child who had lived on the compound recounts that she was taught how to commit suicide.
A recent ‘escapee’ from the compound reports on the devastating arsenal Koresh was amassing. He reports seeing at least one high caliber weapon – either .50 caliber rifle mounted on a bi-pod or a ‘British Boys’ .52 caliber antitank rifle and heard of others stored on the premises. ATF changes operation from case building to enforcement.
Waco Tribune-Herald reporters draft a "Sinful Messiah"(link is external) series of articles and submitted them to their editors.
January 11
ATF establishes an undercover house across from the compound. One special agent is assigned to seek opportunities to visit the compound and talk to the residents.
January 27
January 28
The Plan
February 1
February 11-12
February 24
February 25
- 104 AR-15/M-16 upper-receiver groups with barrels
- 8,000 rounds of 9mm and .22-caliber ammunition
- 20 100-round-capacity drum magazines for AK-47 rifles
- 260 M-16/AR-15 magazines
- 30 M-14 magazines
- 2 M-16 E-2 kits
- 2 M-16 car kits
- 1 M-76 grenade launcher
- 200 M-31 practice rifle grenades
- 4 M-16 parts sets—Kits "A"
- 2 flare launchers
- 2 cases (approximately 50) inert practice grenades
- 40 to 50 pounds of black gunpowder
- 30 pounds of potassium nitrate
- 5 pounds of magnesium metal powder
- 1 pound of igniter cord
- 91 AR-15 receiver units
- 26 various calibers and brands of handguns and long guns
- 90 pounds of aluminum metal powder
- 30 to 40 cardboard tubes
February 27
February 28, 1993