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Arson & Explosives Training Programs

A chemical fire being tested in a lab

Crimes involving arson and explosives are the most devastating crimes confronting our society. They destroy property, disrupt human lives, and place an ever increasing economic burden upon our citizens. The increasing number of violent acts involving arson and explosives has established a greater need for state and local investigators with a high level of expertise.

In response to this problem, and by virtue of its statutory authority under Title XI of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970, ATF initiates investigations and assists in state and local bomb and arson investigations. ATF’s experience in these investigations has shown that a cooperative effort between trained state and local officers and ATF results in more effective investigations.

In order for law enforcement to adequately combat these violations, cooperation among federal, state, and local agencies is essential to achieve this coordinated effort.

As part of this cooperative effort, ATF offers training in arson and explosives for state and local investigators and prosecutors. 

Available Courses

Course IDCourse Name
ARSON-CS-0002 Advanced Origin and Cause/Courtroom Testimony
EXPL-CS-0001 Advanced Explosives Disposal Techniques
  Basic Post Blast Investigative Techniques
  Advanced Post Blast Investigative Techniques
EXPL-CS-0018 Homemade Explosives (Identify, Process, Dispose)
  Explosives Recognition & IED Exploitation (ERIE) for Intelligence Analysts


Last Updated: July 26, 2024

An official website of the U.S. Department of Justice

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