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Intelligence Research Specialists

ATF’s intelligence research specialists collect, analyze and share information from various sources in support of national and international violent crime investigations. They work closely with special agents to detect trends, track illegal activities and create statistical models based on facts gathered from crime scenes. Their work is used to help solve and prosecute cases involving arson, firearms trafficking, traditional and non-traditional organized crime groups, and other crimes.

Intelligence research specialist on a computer

These specialists serve as ATF’s primary source of intelligence research and evaluate data to generate leads for special agents. Their work is often used to prepare intelligence briefings for senior leaders and interagency partners. They are assigned to work in one of ATF’s field divisions or intelligence field offices across the country.


Newly hired intelligence research specialists must attend ATF’s Intelligence Research Specialist Academy. During training, they learn to perform in-depth intelligence analysis during investigative operations and use a variety of intelligence-gathering methods such as link analysis, visual investigative analysis and telephone toll record analysis.

Last Updated: November 18, 2024

An official website of the U.S. Department of Justice

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