Apply for Relief of Explosives Disability - Sample Letter

Sample Law Enforcement / Police Authority Certification

[Law Enforcement Agency Name]
[Law Enforcement Agency Address]


Chief, Explosives Enforcement and Training Division
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
NCETR – Relief of Disabilities Program
Corporal Road, Bldg. 3750
Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, AL 35898

Re: [Name of Applicant]
[Address of Applicant]
[Country/Countries of Citizenship of Applicant]
[U.S. Issued Alien Number or Admission Number of Applicant]

Dear Chief, Explosives Enforcement and Training Division:

This letter is in regard to the above-referenced applicant, who is applying to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) for relief from Federal explosives disabilities under 18 U.S.C. § 845(b).

I understand that Federal explosives law, 18 U.S.C. § 842(i)(5), generally prohibits aliens from possessing explosive materials. In accordance with 18 U.S.C. § 845(b), an alien lawfully in the United States may apply for and receive relief from Federal explosives disabilities where it is established that the applicant will not be likely to act in a manner dangerous to public safety and that the granting of the relief is not contrary to the public interest. This certification letter is intended to assist ATF in processing this application for relief.

This letter certifies that the applicant has no criminal record, and that a records check has been conducted on the applicant with negative results. I have no information indicating that possession of explosives by the applicant would be dangerous to public safety.

I declare under the penalties of perjury that this certification letter, including any documents submitted in support thereof, is true, correct, and complete.


Name and Date



Telephone Number

Law Enforcement Agency

For applicants currently residing in the United States, this document must be certified by the embassy or consulate of the applicant’s country of citizenship verifying that it is an official document from the law enforcement agency or police authority.


Last Reviewed March 13, 2025