Apply for Relief of Explosives Disability - Additional Information

Additional Information Required to be Submitted with ATF Form 5400.29, Application for Restoration of Explosives Privileges

All applicants for restoration of explosives privileges must also submit two completed FD-258 Fingerprint Identification Cards. You may obtain the FD-258 Fingerprint Identification Cards at a police or sheriff’s office or from the ATF Distribution Center.

If you: It is required that you include the following with your application:

Are an individual applicant for any category of relief (as opposed to a corporation).

A written statement specifically recommending the granting of relief from your explosives disability from each of three references who are not related to you by blood or marriage and who have known you for at least three years.

Have ever been convicted in any court of a felony or other crime for which the judge could have imprisoned you for more than one year, even if you received a shorter sentence, including probation.

A certified copy of the indictment or information on which you were convicted, the judgment of conviction or record of any plea of nolo contendere, or plea of guilty or finding of guilty by the court.

Are under indictment or information in any court for a felony or any other crime for which the judge could imprison you for more than one year.

A certified copy of the indictment or information.

Are now on probation or parole, or have not been discharged from probation or parole for at least two years.
  1. A signed statement describing your current employment and what, if any, compelling need you have to possess explosives.
  2. A signed statement from your employer stating how your employment would be affected if you do not receive relief.
  3. A copy of your terms of parole or probation (if you are on parole or probation).

Have ever been adjudicated mentally defective (which includes having been adjudicated incompetent to manage your own affairs) or have been committed to a mental institution.

  1. A certified copy of the order of a court, board, commission, or other lawful authority that made the adjudication or ordered the commitment;
  2. Any petition that sought to have you so adjudicated or committed;
  3. Any medical records reflecting the reasons for commitment and diagnosis; and
  4. A certified copy of any court order or finding of a court, board, commission, or other lawful authority showing that you have been restored to mental competency and are no longer suffering from a mental disorder and have had all rights restored.

Have ever been required by a court or other lawful authority to undergo a mental health evaluation or treatment.

A certified copy of any order(s) issued by a court, or any other record (such as a police report) which authorized your admission to a mental health facility for evaluation or treatment.

Have ever been the subject of an order by a court or other lawful authority prohibiting your receipt or possession of firearms.

A certified copy of any such order.

Have ever been discharged from the U.S. armed forces under dishonorable conditions.

  1. A certified copy of your Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (Department of Defense Form 214);
  2. Charge Sheet (Department of Defense Form 458); and
  3. Final court martial order.

Have ever renounced your U.S. citizenship.

A certified copy of the formal renunciation of nationality before a diplomatic or consular officer of the United States in a foreign state, or before an officer designated by the Attorney General when the United States was in a state of war.

Are an alien who has been lawfully admitted to the United States.

Please note that if you are …

  1. A permanent resident alien; or
  2. A lawful nonimmigrant alien, a refugee, or an asylee and are a foreign law enforcement officer of a friendly foreign government entering the United States on official law enforcement business, are a responsible person on a federal explosives license or permit, are a member of a NATO or other friendly foreign military force who is in the United States under military orders, or are in the United States in cooperation with the Director of Central Intelligence

… you are not prohibited from receiving or possessing explosive materials under 18 U.S.C. 842(i) and do not need to apply for relief.

  1. Documentation that you have been lawfully admitted to the United States, which should include a copy of the photograph page of your passport and a copy of the page containing the U.S. visa;
  2. A certification from you (including your U.S. issued alien number or admission number, country/countries of citizenship, and immigration status) certifying that you are legally authorized to work in the United States, or other purposes for which possession of explosives is required;
  3. A certification from a federal explosives licensee or permittee or other employer certifying that you are employed by them and must possess explosive materials for purposes of employment; and
  4. A certification from an appropriate law enforcement agency of your country of citizenship certifying that you do not have a criminal record. If you are currently residing in the United States, the certification must be certified by the embassy or consulate of your country of citizenship verifying that it is an official document from the law enforcement agency or police authority. You can reference the Sample Law Enforcement Certification Letter

All of the certifications listed above must be in English.

Last Reviewed March 13, 2025