Canine Training Center

Canine Training Center's main building in a rural area Through its world-class Canine Training Center, ATF’s National Canine Division trains explosives and accelerant detection canines for local, state, federal and international law enforcement, fire investigation agencies and the military.

ATF’s Canine Training Center opened over 20 years ago with a focus on establishing nationally recognized training, standards and procedures regarding the art and science of canine training. Currently, ATF has 62 accelerant detection canine teams with state and local partners nationwide and 113 explosives detection canine team nationwide consisting of 40 SEEK, 47 other Federal agency and 26 state and local canine teams.

K-9 S.E.E.K. TrainingTraining Programs

ATF provides two rigorous types of training: the explosives and accelerant detection canine program and the Search Enhanced Evidence K-9 (S.E.E.K.) program. Candidate handlers and their canines participate in intense classroom courses and real-world scenarios focused on detecting explosive and ignitable liquids in diverse environments such as buildings, perimeters, warehouses, parking structures and transportation hubs.

Annual Training

Practical application of the canine training takes place across the country during ATF’s annual National Odor Recognition Test (NORT) competition, which serves as a benchmark for effective canine explosives detection. As of fiscal year 2020, more than 4,194 canines participated in the annual NORT competition.


Last Reviewed March 13, 2025