Rules and Regulations Library

Title Description Category Document Type
All FFLs-Aug2011-Open Letter-Rural Route Address (138 KB)
The purpose of this open letter is to provide further guidance regarding purchasers who present an identification document bearing a Rural Route address.
Firearms Open Letter
Nebraska-Apr2011-Open Letter-Nebraska’s Concealed Handgun Permit Qualifies as Alternative to NICS Check (110 KB)
The purpose of this open letter is to advise that ATF has reviewed Nebraska’s Concealed Handgun Permit Act, as amended in 2010 by Legislative Bill 817, and has determined that Nebraska’s Concealed Handgun Permit does qualify as an alternative to the background check required by the Brady law.
Firearms Open Letter
All FFLs-May2011-Open Letter-Complying with Recordkeeping Requirements When the Initial NICS Response is Changed (102 KB) The purpose of this open letter is to provide guidance to Federal firearms licensees (FFLs) on how to comply with recordkeeping requirements when there is a change to the response initially received by the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) during a background check for a firearm transfer. Firearms Open Letter
Nevada-Aug2011-Open Letter-Nevada’s Concealed Firearm Permit Qualifies as Alternative to NICS Check (110 KB)
The purpose of this letter is to advise all Nevada Federal firearms licensees that Nevada's Concealed Firearm Permit qualifies as an alternative to the background check required by the Brady law.
Firearms Open Letter
2004-5 - Minigun Ruling (941 KB)
The 7.62mm Aircraft Machine Gun, identified in the U.S. military inventory as the "M-134" (Army), "GAU-2B/A" (Air Force), and "GAU-17/A" (Navy), is a machinegun as defined by 26 U.S.C. 5845(b). Rev. Rul. 55-528 modified.
Firearms Ruling
2002-5 - Transfer and Possession Machineguns (12 KB) Applications to transfer two (2) machineguns of a particular model to a Federal firearms licensee as sales samples will be approved if documentation shows necessity for demonstration to government agencies. Firearms Ruling
2001-5 - Identification of Transferee (18 KB) Licensees may accept a combination of valid government-issued documents to satisfy the identification document requirements of the Brady Act under certain conditions. An active duty member of the Armed Forces is a resident of the State in which his or her permanent duty station is located, and may satisfy the identification document requirement by presenting his or her military identification card along with official orders showing the permanent duty station as within the State where the licensed premises are located. Firearms Ruling
National-Apr2011-Open Letter-Submitting ATF Form 4 or Form 5 (94 KB)
The purpose of this letter is to provide guidance to any person submitting ATF Form 4, Application for Tax Paid Transfer and Registration of a Firearm, or with ATF Form 5, Application for Tax Exempt Transfer and Registration of a Firearm.
Firearms Open Letter
All FFLs-Aug2008-Open Letter-Guidelines for Natural Disasters (121 KB)
The purpose of this open letter is to provide you guidance on certain regulatory requirements and voluntary security measures, as well as recommended guidelines for securing and moving firearms records and inventory in the event of a natural disaster.
Firearms Open Letter
South Carolina-Aug2008-Open Letter-Amendment to South Carolina Law Prohibiting Handgun Sales to Persons Under Eighteen Years of Age (104 KB)
The purpose of this letter is to advise you that the recent amendment to Section 16-23-30, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the unlawful sale of handguns to certain person, so as to prohibit the sale of a handgun to persons under eighteen years of age rather than under twenty-one years of age has no effect on Federal firearms laws and regulations.
Firearms Open Letter
All FFLs-May2008-Open Letter-Security Firms Temporarily Assigning Firearms to Unlicensed Employees (96 KB) The purpose of this open letter is to inform security firms and other persons who have Federal firearms licenses (FFLs), and who may temporarily assign firearms to their unlicensed employees in furtherance of legitimate business purposes, of the statutory and regulatory requirements that affect them. Firearms Open Letter
All FFLs-May2007-Open Letter-Guidelines for Natural Disasters (136 KB) This open letter provides guidance on certain regulatory requirements and voluntary security measures, as well as recommended guidelines for securing and moving firearms records and inventory in the event of a natural disaster. Firearms Open Letter
All FFLs-May2007-Open Letter-Virginia Tech Tragic Events (91 KB) We at ATF were saddened by the tragic events that unfolded at Virginia Tech just last month. In the immediate aftermath, many questions arose about whether the person responsible for the shootings was prohibited under Federal law from possessing a firearm. Firearms Open Letter
All FFLs-Oct2007-Open Letter-Availability of the Personal Firearms Record, ATF Form 3312.8 (86 KB)
The purpose of this open letter is to make you aware of the availability of ATF Publication 3312.8, Personal Firearms Record.  This record is to help firearms owners adequately identify their firearms in case of a theft or loss. 
Firearms Open Letter
Massachusetts-Oct2003-Open Letter-Massachusetts License to Carry No Longer an Alternative to NICS Check (79 KB)
This open letter is to inform all Massachusetts Federal firearms licensees that as of October 21, 2003 all previously grandfathered Massachusetts licenses to carry will have expired. 
Firearms Open Letter
Indiana-Sept2003-Open Letter-Changes to Indiana Background Check Procedures (104 KB)
The purpose of this letter is to advise you of important changes to the procedures Indiana Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) must follow beginning October 1, 2003, in order to comply with the Brady Law.  It also will advise you of the procedures you will have to follow to comply with Indiana State law.
Firearms Open Letter
2004-2 - Temporary Importation of Firearms Subject to the NFA (351 KB) Approved alternate method or procedure for importers to use when temporarily importing firearms subject to the NFA, the GCA and the Arms Export Control Act for inspection, testing, calibration, repair, or incorporation into another defense article. Firearms Ruling
All FELs-July2011-Open Letter-State/Local Government Entities and Explosives Industry Members Distribution To and Receipt Of Explosive Pest Control Devices (EPCDs) (169 KB)
This letter provides information regarding the distribution to and receipt of explosives for pest control and mitigation purposes by States or their political subdivisions.
Explosives Open Letter
2005-3 - Meaning of Term Inhabited Building (17 KB)
ATF provides guidance on two situations involving structures and whether they are "inhabited buildings" as defined in 27 CFR Part 555.
Explosives Ruling
2005-2 - Meaning of Term Highway (12 KB)
ATF provides guidance on three different private roads and whether they are "highways" as defined in 27 CFR 555.11.
Explosives Ruling
2004-3 - Locking Requirements for Indoor Type 4 Storage Magazines (11 KB)
ATF provides guidance on three different private roads and whether they are "highways" as defined in 27 CFR 555.11.
Explosives Ruling
2002-4 - Indoor Storage of Explosives in Business Premises Directly Adjacent to a Residence or Dwelling (86 KB)
ATF requires approval of variances for indoor storage of explosives in business premises directly adjacent to a residence or dwelling.
Explosives Ruling
All FELs-Apr2011-Open Letter-Importance of Security When Storing or Transporting Explosive Materials (64 KB)
In response to continued thefts of vehicles carrying explosive materials along the southwest U.S. border, the ATF reminds all persons holding Federal explosives licenses or permits of the importance of security when storing or transporting explosive materials.
Explosives Open Letter
All FELs-Nov2010-Open Letter-Explosive Pest Control Devices (EPCDs) (164 KB)
This letter provides information regarding explosive pest control devices (EPCDs). Agricultural, aquacultural, and aviation industries use EPCDs — commonly known as bird bombs or seal bombs — to help protect crops, natural resources, and aircraft from damage by wildlife.
Explosives Open Letter
All FELs-Aug2008-Open Letter-Guidance for Pending Natural Disasters (175 KB)
The purpose of this open letter is to help you protect your business premises and inventory in the event of a natural disaster; and provide guidance on what to do if your business premises is damaged or destroyed by a natural disaster.
Explosives Open Letter
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