Permanent Brady State Lists

States/Territories in which the FBI Conducts NICS Checks for All Firearms Transactions

Alabama Alaska American Samoa
Arizona Arkansas Delaware
D.C. Georgia Guam
Idaho Indiana Indiana
Kansas Kentucky Louisiana
Maine Massachusetts Michigan
Minnesota Mississippi Missouri
Montana New Mexico North Carolina
North Dakota N. Mariana Islands Ohio
Oklahoma Puerto Rico Rhode Island
South Carolina South Dakota Texas
Vermont Virgin Islands West Virginia


States that Act as the Point of Contact (POC) for All Firearms Transactions

California Colorado Connecticut
Florida Hawaii Illinois
Nevada New Jersey New York
Oregon Pennsylvania Tennessee
Utah Virginia Washington


States that Act as a Partial Point of Contact (POC) for NICS Checks


Maryland State Police – handguns and assault weapons
FBI – long guns and pawn redemptions


Permit POC for handguns
FBI – long guns


Department of Justice for handguns
FBI – long guns

New Hampshire

New Hampshire Department of Safety for handguns
FBI – long guns

Last Reviewed March 14, 2025