Publications Library

ATF occasionally issues publications to inform the industries it regulates and the general public about the laws and regulations administered and enforced by ATF. These include guidebooks, newsletters, brochures, studies, and reports.

Title Description Category Document Type
Federal Firearms Licensee Newsletter - 2019 (319 KB)

What's in This Issue: ATF Personnel Changes; Electronic Storage of ATF Form 4473s; ATF Procedure 2017-1; ATF Form 5; ATF For 4473: Clarification on Disqualifiers Related to Military Service; Electronic Signatures on ATF Forms; NFA Forms Common Errors; ATF FFL Alert System; Replacement Copies of NFA Tax Paid Transfer Forms; FFL Renewals, Updated Form 7 and much more.

Firearms Newsletter
ATF Fire Research Laboratory (Technical Bulletin 002) - Arc Mapping as a Tool for Fire Investigations (315 KB)

ATF Fire Research Laboratory Technical Bulletin 002 - Arc Mapping as a Tool for Fire Investigations - March 2017

Explosives Industry Newsletter - July 2017 (238 KB)
What's in this issue: Updated Safety and Security Publication; Structures Used for Indoor Storage; Firework Processes and Manufacturing; Distribution Dates; Identification of Explosive Materials; Q&As; How to read an Explosive License or Permit Number; and List of Active Explosives Rulings.


Explosives Newsletter
2019 Firearms Commerce Report (1132 KB)

Firearms Commerce Statistical Update - 2019

Firearms Report
2016 Explosives Incident Report (1975 KB)
2016 Explosives Incident Report (EIR)
Explosives Report
Firearm Trace Data for Central America for CY 16.pdf (755 KB)
International Trace Statistics for Central America CY 16.
Firearms Report
TD-394: Final Rule: Manufacturers Excise Taxes-Firearms and Ammunition (Published: 02/04/98 – Effective: 04/06/98) (14 KB)

This final rule adopts without change temporary regulations published in the Federal Register on July 16, 1996. The temporary rule amended the regulations in 27 CFR part 53 that require exemption certificates or vendee statements in support of certain tax-free sales of firearms and ammunition. As amended by the temporary rule and this final rule, the regulations provide that taxpayers may use a pre-printed document as an exemption certificate or vendee statement, or design their own certificate and statement using specified information. The regulatory amendments are part of the Administration's efforts to reduce regulatory burdens and streamline requirements.

Rules and Regulations Report
Notice 911 — Expiration of the Registration Period for Possession of the USAS-12, Striker-12, and Streetsweeper Shotguns (37 KB)

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) is issuing this notice to announce the availability of ATF Ruling 2001–1. This ruling advises that the registration period for people who are currently in possession of the USAS–12, Striker–12, and Streetsweeper shotguns expires on May 1, 2001.

Resource Center Report
Youth Crime Gun Interdiction Initiative Report 1999 (279 KB)

ATF established the Youth Crime Gun Interdiction Initiative (YCGII) in 1996 to focus special agent and inspector resources on reducing youth gun violence. To increase our effectiveness, we resolved to equip our investigators and their State and local counterparts with more facts about how violent youth obtained guns. We asked our colleagues in State and local law enforcement to help us systematically follow the gun used in crime to help identify violent criminals and their illegal suppliers by tracing all crime guns with the National Tracing Center.     

Firearms Report
Explosives Industry Newsletter - September 2008 (1525 KB)
What’s In This Issue: Carson W. Carroll Named Assistant Director (Enforcement Programs and Services); Changes in the Arson and Explosives Programs Division; Two New Field Divisions; New “Orange Book”; New Headquarters Building; Storage Rulings; Fireworks Recordkeeping and Marks of Identification; Information Resources; Variance Request Guidelines; Determination Request Guidelines; Who Should Complete a Theft or Loss Report?; Exemption Request Guidelines; 2007 Explosives Thefts
Explosives Newsletter
Publication of Federal Explosives Laws and Regulations (ATF P 5400.7) (4325 KB)

Also known as the "Orange Book," this documentation provides federal explosives law and regulations and reflects changes and developments in response to the Safe Explosives Act of 2002.

Explosives Report
2018 Explosives Incident Report (EIR) (1759 KB)

2018 Explosives Incident Report (EIR)

Explosives Report
2017 Explosives Incident Report (EIR) (1530 KB)
2017 Annual Explosives Incident Report
Resource Center Report
2017 Arson Incident Report (AIR) (3886 KB)
2017 Arson Incident Report (AIR)
Resource Center Report
Firearms Trace Data for Mexico for CY 11-16.pdf (753 KB)
International Trace Statistics for Mexico for CY 11-16.
Firearms Report
Firearms Trace Data for the Caribbean for CY 16.pdf (5873 KB)
International Trace Statistics for the Caribbean for CY 16.
Firearms Report
Firearms Trace Data for Canada CY 11-16.pdf (832 KB)
International Trace Statistics for CY 11 - 16 for Canada.
Firearms Report
Notice 862 (18 KB)
Implementation of Pub. L. 104-208, the Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act of 1997 - Comments are due on or before September 28, 1998. To submit a comment electronically, use To submit comments by mail or fax, please see the instructions included within the notice. To view all comments and documents associated with this notice, go to and enter Notice 862.
Resource Center Report
TD-415: Implementation of Public Law 103-159, Relating to the Permanent Provisions of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (Published: 10/29/98 – Effective: 11/30/98) (59 KB) The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) is amending the regulations to implement the provisions of Public Law 103-159, relating to the permanent provisions of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act. These regulations implement the law by requiring, with some exceptions, a licensed firearms importer, manufacturer, or dealer to contact the national instant criminal background check system (NICS) before transferring any firearm to an unlicensed individual. NICS will advise the licensee whether the system contains any information that the prospective purchaser is prohibited by law from possessing or receiving a firearm. Rules and Regulations Report
virginia051017.pdf (59 KB) May 2017 Location of Abandoned/Unclaimed property by state. Resource Center Report
alabama051017.pdf (60 KB) May 2017 Location of Abandoned/Unclaimed property by state. Resource Center Report
connecticut051017.pdf (59 KB) May 2017 Location of Abandoned/Unclaimed property by state. Resource Center Report
florida051017.pdf (60 KB) May 2017 Location of Abandoned/Unclaimed property by state. Resource Center Report
kentucky051017.pdf (63 KB) May 2017 Location of Abandoned/Unclaimed property by state. Resource Center Report
michigan051017.pdf (59 KB) May 2017 Location of Abandoned/Unclaimed property by state. Resource Center Report
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