Publications Library

ATF occasionally issues publications to inform the industries it regulates and the general public about the laws and regulations administered and enforced by ATF. These include guidebooks, newsletters, brochures, studies, and reports.

Title Description Category Document Type
2021 Firearms Trace Data: Time-to-Crime - Firearms Recovered and Traced in the United States and Territories (19 KB) Resource Center Report
affirmative_action_plan_-_2021.pdf (77 KB)

FY2021 Affirmative Action Plan

General Report
ATF O 3020.4 - Task Force Officer Body-Worn Camera (291 KB)

This order establishes direction for the use of non-Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) owned body-worn cameras (BWCs) by ATF Task Force Officers (TFOs) and Special Deputies (SD) on federal task forces. This policy provides parameters for the use of BWCs by TFOs to the extent that a state or local law enforcement agency requires their use by its officers during federal task force operations.

Resource Center Guide
ATF O 3020.3A - Special Agent Body-Worn Cameras (326 KB)

This order establishes direction on the use of Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)-owned body-worn cameras (BWCs) by ATF special agents during properly authorized investigations and activities. For purposes of this policy, the term “BWC recordings,” refers to audio and video recordings and associated metadata recorded on ATF-owned BWCs while the agent is engaged in federal law enforcement operations to include the investigation of fugitives sought on state and local warrants adopted by a federal agency.

Resource Center Guide
afmer_2021_interim_web_report.pdf (256 KB) Explosives Report
july_2022_inspection_results_worksheet_.xlsx (13 KB) Firearms Report
inspection_results_worksheet_june_2022.xlsx (13 KB)

June 2022 Inspections Report

Firearms Report
General Variance Requests (Presentation - Sept. 10, 2020) (2710 KB)

This presentation details when a variance to deviate from the explosives regulations may be requested, to whom they may be issued, where to direct such requests and documentation from the requestor to assist in evaluation of those requests.

Explosives Guide
AFMER 2020 Final Report Cover Sheet (195 KB) Firearms Report
inspection_results_may_2022.xlsx (14 KB)

May 2022 - Firearms Compliance Inspection Results

Firearms Report
New Training Aid for the Overview of Final Rule 2021R-05F Definition of "Frame or Receiver" and Identification of Firearms and SBA Compliance Guide (859 KB)

Training aid to go with the final rule overview for federal firearms licensees and small businesses. 

Firearms Guide
National Firearms Commerce and Trafficking Assessment: Firearms in Commerce - Volume One (414453 KB)

The National Firearms Commerce and Trafficking Assessment is a comprehensive report on firearms commerce and trafficking. This volume presents and analyzes data collected by ATF and other federal agencies related to the manufacture, exportation, and importation of firearms.

Firearms Report
Annual Arson Incident Report 2021 (1672 KB)

Annual Arson Incident Report 2021

2021_explosives_incident_report_eir.pdf (1993 KB)

2021 Explosives Incident Report

Explosives Report
Overview of Final Rule 2021R-05F Definition of “Frame or Receiver” and Identification of Firearms (2986 KB)

Overview for use with training aid

Firearms Guide
inspection_results_april_2022_amended.xlsx (13 KB)

April 2022 Firearms Compliance Inspection Results

Firearms Report
Memorandum of the Pledge to Applicants (388 KB)

The Office of Personnel Management, in conjunction with the Partnership for Public Service, has issued a pledge to those individuals seeking jobs with the Federal Government. The Department  of Justice fully supports this pledge and will strive to fulfill all of its components. To attract talented people to the service of the Nation, we believe the application process should enable rather than deter job seekers. To that end, we will work to ensure a process that reflects these principles.

Federal Firearms Licensees Newsletter - August 1996 (113 KB)
What’s In This Issue: Brady; The Net; New Faces; Address Changes; Improving Firearms Security; Fingerprints; Letters of Authorization; Classification of Gas/Flare Guns with Anti-Personnel Ammunition as Destructive Devices; Processing Applications and Notices Associated with National Firearms Act Weapons Transactions; ATF Distribution Center; Gun Shows; All Dealers Must Display Licenses
Firearms Newsletter
ATF 17F (157 KB) Decision-Making Authority Regarding the Denial, Suspension, or Revocation of a Federal Firearms License, or Imposition of a Civil Fine - The Department of Justice has adopted as final, without change, an interim rule that amended the regulations of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (‘‘ATF’’) to delegate to the Director of ATF the authority to serve as the deciding official regarding the denial, suspension, or revocation of federal firearms licenses, or the imposition of a civil fine. Under the interim rule, the Director has the flexibility to delegate to another ATF official the authority to decide a revocation or denial matter, or may exercise that authority himself. Because the Director can redelegate authority to take action as the final agency decision-maker to Headquarters officials, field officials, or some combination thereof, such flexibility allows ATF to more efficiently conduct denial, suspension, and revocation hearings, and make the determination whether to impose a civil fine.
Rules and Regulations Report
TD-400: This final rule amends regulations to clarify the meanings of terms, increase license and permit fees, eliminate duplication in licensing, relax the licensing requirements for on-site manufacturers, implement a storage notification requirement (104 KB)

This final rule amends regulations to clarify the meanings of terms, increase license and permit fees, eliminate duplication in licensing, relax the licensing requirements for on-site manufacturers, implement a storage notification requirement for manufacturers and other storers of explosives, update the theft/loss hotline number for reporting thefts or losses of explosives, and make minor modifications to regulations on storage.

Explosives Report
TD-393: Removal of Restrictions on Importation of Defense Articles From Specified New Independent States of the Former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia and To Amend the Term “Military Firearms and Ammunition” (Published: 11/17/97 – Effective: 11/17/97) (34 KB)

This final rule removes the following States of the former Soviet Union from the list of countries from which the import of defense articles into the United States is proscribed: Georgia, Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russian Federation, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. The rule also restricts the importation of certain firearms and ammunition located or manufactured in any of the above countries or previously manufactured in the Soviet Union to conform to limitations contained in an agreement between the United States and the Russian Federation and in accordance with advice from the Department of State.

Resource Center Report
TD-391: Definitions for the Categories of Persons Prohibited From Receiving Firearms (Published: 06/27/97 – Effective: 08/26/97) (99 KB)

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) is amending the regulations to provide definitions for the categories of persons prohibited from receiving or possessing firearms. The definitions will facilitate the implementation of the national instant criminal  background check system (NICS) required under the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act.

Resource Center Report
OMB 1140-0101.pdf (214 KB)

Description :Firearms and Explosives Services Division Customer Service Survey –60 day Notice – comment period ends July 21, 2015

Summary :ATF F 5300.38 is used by existing Federal Firearms Licensees (FFL) to change the business address of the license and certify compliance with the provisions of the law for the new address. Licensees are required to notify ATF of the intent to move any business premises no later than 30 days prior to the intended move. The form is also used for changes of trade or business name, changes of mailing address, changes of contact information, changes of hours of operation/availability, and allows for licensees to indicate any changes of business structure.

Resource Center Report
ATF Form 5320.20 OMB Number 1140-0010 application to transport interstate or temporarily export certain national firearms act.pdf (207 KB)

Description :Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed eCollection; eComments Requested – Action: 60-day Notice of Information Collection Under Review: Application to Transport Interstate or Temporarily Export Certain National Firearms Act (NFA) Firearms

Summary :In response to the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 Section 130002(b) as amended in 1996, the Office of Justice Programs’ (OJP) Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) administers the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), a component of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Resource Center Report
ATF Form 7 5310.12 7cr 5310.16 OMB 1140-0018-60.pdf (206 KB)

Description :Application for Federal Firearms License –60 day Notice – comment period ends January 25, 2015

Summary :In accordance with 18 U.S.C. 923(a)(1) each person intending to engage in business as a firearms or ammunition importer or manufacturer, or dealer in firearms shall file an application, pay the required fee with ATF and obtain a license before engaging in business. The information requested on the form will be used to determine eligibility for the license as required by 18 U.S.C. Section 923.

Resource Center Report
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