Certification on Agency Letterhead Authorizing Purchase of Firearm for Official Duties of Law Enforcement Officer (OMB Number 1140–0046)

Paperwork Reduction Act Extension of a Currently Approved Information Collection
The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 requires agencies to publish proposed information collections in the Federal Register for public comment before an agency can use the process (generally a form) to collect information from the public. As required by the Paperwork Reduction Act, this notice provides 60 days for public comment on the extension of a currently approved information collection. The proposed information collection pertains to the letter used by a law enforcement officer to purchase handguns to be used in his/her official duties from a licensed firearm dealer anywhere in the country. The letter shall state that the officer will use the firearm in official duties and that a records check reveals that the purchasing officer has no convictions for misdemeanor crimes of domestic violence.
Release Date: 
Comment Period: 
08/11/2016 to 10/11/2016
Effective Date Status: 
Last Reviewed April 4, 2017