Publications Library

ATF occasionally issues publications to inform the industries it regulates and the general public about the laws and regulations administered and enforced by ATF. These include guidebooks, newsletters, brochures, studies, and reports.

Title Description Category Document Type
ATF Industry Circular 77-20: Duplication of Serial Numbers on Imported Firearms (361 KB)

Importers of Firearms and Destructive Devices: Recently, ATF has noted cases where some importers have adopted the same serial number for more than one firearm. These instances of duplication have generally occurred when firearms are received from more than one source.

Resource Center Industry Circular
Explosives Industry Newsletter - June 2016 (420 KB)
What’s in this Issue: New Division Chief; Bomb Threat and Suspicious Package Publication; Transfer of Unmarked Explosive Materials; Nitrocellulose; Storage in Trailers; Type 2 Magazine Floors and Roofs; Highways; Marijuana Use and Prohibited Persons; Background Investigation and Denial; Lost, Stolen or Destroyed IPECs; Lists of Authorized Persons; Remote Storage Locations and RPs; Seismic and Geophysical Operations¼Continued; 2015 Annual List of Explosives
Explosives Newsletter
Explosives Industry Newsletter - December 2019 (1152 KB)

What's in this Issue?: FEID Personnel Changes; ATF Field Division Realignment; 27 CFR, Part 555 - Technical Changes; Final Rule Creates Part 771; FEL eZ Check; Preventing Explosives Losses; E-Regulations That Work For You; ATF Explosives Detection Canines; New Mailing Address; Final Rul Removes Reference Note; Explosives Violations; Q&As; Licensee/Permittee Population; Submit a Tip; Explosives Thefts

Explosives Newsletter
Explosives Industry Newsletter - December 2019 (226 KB)

What's in this issue:  FEID Personnel Changes; ATF Field Division Realignment; 27 CFR, Part 555 - Technical Changes; Final Rule Creates Part 771; FEL eZ Check; Preventing Explosives Losses; E-Regulations That Work For You; ATF Explosives Detection Canines; New Mailing Address; Final Rule Removes Reference Note; Explosives Violations; Q&As;  Licensee/Permittee Population

Explosives Newsletter
TD-461: Correction – Identification Markings Placed on Firearms (Published: 8/13/01) (31 KB)

In rule document 01–19418, beginning on page 40596, in the issue of Friday, August 3, 2001, make the following correction: On page 40596, in the first column, under the heading SUMMARY:, in the ninth line, ‘‘1 1⁄16’’ should read ‘‘1⁄16’’.

Resource Center Report
Memorandum of Merit System Principles and Prohibited Personnel Practices (916 KB)

The fundamental under girding of the entire Federal Human Resources Management system is the Merit System Principles.  The Merit System Principles can be described as the core values that should be expressed in every human resources decision. There are nine Merit System Principles, which can be found in Section 2301(b) of title 5, US.C.

ATF Industry Circular 72-4: Implementation on the National Environmental Policy Act (137 KB)

This Revenue Procedure sets out procedures for furnishing environmental information concerning proposed activities for which applications, notices, bonds, and formulas (hereinafter referred to as applications) are filed with the Internal Revenue Service, Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

Resource Center Industry Circular
ATF Industry Circular 72-30: Identification of Personal Firearms at Premises (361 KB)

The purpose of this circular is to urge licensed firearms dealers to identify their personal collection of firearms kept at the business premises.

Resource Center Industry Circular
ATF Industry Circular 74-13: Verification of Identity and Status of Firearms Transferees (500 KB)

The purpose of this circular is to remind firearms dealers, manufacturers, and importers of the provisions of 18 U.S.C. Chapter 44, and Subpart F of the Regulations thereunder (26 CFR 178) pertaining to sales or deliveries of firearms or ammunition between licensees.

Resource Center Industry Circular
ATF Industry Circular 75-8: Multiple Sales of Pistols (3797 KB)

The purpose of this circular is to inform you of the specific provisions of revised regulations that require a Federal firearms licensee to make a report of a multiple sale or other disposition of pistols and revolvers.

Resource Center Industry Circular
ATF Industry Circular 75-9: Recodification (619 KB)

This circular is to advise industry members and others concerned that, effective April 15, 1975, Bureau regulations formerly codified as 26 CFR Parts 170 through 299 (Subchapter E--Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Excise Taxes) have been recodified into the Bureau's reserved Title 27 CFR Parts 170 through 299 (Subchapter M-Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Excise Taxes). This recodification merely relocates the regulations and makes no technical changes in requirements.

Resource Center Industry Circular
ATF Industry Circular 76-3: Explosives Security (579 KB)

Federal explosives licensees and permittees, and others concerned:  On December 29, 1975, a bomb-blast ripped through New York's LaGuardia airport, killing 11 persons and injuring some 15 others. This tragic incident is but the latest in an alarming upward spiral of bombings that have occurred in cities, suburban communities, small towns and rural areas across America in recent years.

Resource Center Industry Circular
ATF Industry Circular 77-11: Theft or Loss of Explosives (475 KB)

This circular is to inform those involved in the manufacture, distribution, storage or use of explosives that ATF Ruling77-13, which deals with reporting theft or loss of explosive materials, was published in the Alcohol, Tobacco and Fireanns Bulletin for May 1977.

Resource Center Industry Circular
ATF Industry Circular 79-4: National Conference on Explosives Control (356 KB)

This circular is issued to inform you that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has scheduled a National Conference on Explosives Control to be held at the Fountain Bay Hotel, in New Orleans, Louisiana, September 25-27, 1979.

Resource Center Industry Circular
ATF Industry Circular 81-5: National Conference on Explosives Control (215 KB)

This circular is issued to inform you that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has scheduled a National Conference on Explosives to be held at the Bahia Hotel, in San Diego, California, May 19-21, 1981.

Resource Center Industry Circular
ATF Industry Circular 83-9: Three Year Firearms Licenses (499 KB)

The purpose of this circular is to inform you of a Treasury decision effective August 1, 1983, T.D. ATF - 135(48 FR 24065), implementing a three year firearms license.

Resource Center Industry Circular
ATF Industry Circular 84-3: Armed and Dangerous Notification (852 KB)

The Bureau of ATF is investigating the criminal activities of a group of violent criminals known as the Sam Melville/Jonathan Jackson Brigade. This group is known for its violent acts, including the illegal use of firearms and explosives.

Resource Center Industry Circular
ATF Industry Circular 84-10: Sales of Firearms by FFLs at Gun Shows (236 KB)

All Federal Firearms Licensees and Others Concerned: This is to notify you that as a result of a formal process which began on April 22, 1980, the regulations have been changed (effective November 29, 1984), to allow licensees to engage in business at gun shows held within the same State as the licensed premises.

Resource Center Industry Circular
ATF Industry Circular 86-12: Explosives Security (193 KB)

With the recent upsurge of terrorism in the world and particularly threats of terrorist activity in the United States, it is timely to again stress the importance of security for explosives.

Resource Center Industry Circular
ATF Industry Circular 91-1: Explosives Security (1555 KB)

The purpose of this circular is to advise industry members of serious problems with storage of explosives which may pose a danger to the public, and to alert industry members to the possibility of theft of explosives by terrorists because of the deteriorating Mideast situation.

Resource Center Industry Circular
ATF Industry Circular 95-1: Diversion of Distilled Spirits (52 KB)

This circular reminds proprietors of distilled spirits plants (DSPs), importers, wholesalers and other persons who purchase distilled spirits products from DSPs of their responsibility to comply with all applicable Federal and state laws with respect to such sales.

Resource Center Industry Circular
ATF Industry Circular 2000-4: Sale Of Certain Tobacco Products And Cigarette Papers And Tubes On Or After February 7, 2001 (34 KB)

This industry circular warns businesses about selling or holding for sale tobacco products and cigarette papers or tubes manufactured in the United States and labeled for exportation. On or after February 7, 2001, if you sell or hold for sale such products for domestic consumption, you may incur civil and criminal penalties.

Resource Center Industry Circular
ATF Industry Circular 93-5: Tax-Exempt and Tax-Free Sales of Firearms, Shells and Cartridges (827 KB) This circular gives general guidance to firearms and ammunition excise taxpayers about making tax-exempt or tax-free sales of firearms, and shells and cartridges (ammunition). Resource Center Industry Circular
ATF Industry Circular 95-1: Diversion of Distilled Spirits for Purposes of Smuggling (37 KB)

This circular reminds proprietors of distilled spirits plants (DSPs), importers, wholesalers and other persons who purchase distilled spirits products from DSPs of their responsibility to comply with all applicable Federal and state laws with respect to such sales.

Resource Center Industry Circular
ATF Guidebook - Importation & Verification of Firearms, Ammunition, and Implements of War (4743 KB)

This publication was prepared by ATF's Firearms and Explosives Imports Branch (FEIB) to assist importers and other firearms industry members in identifying firearms, ammunition, and defense articles that may be imported into the United States and to further clarify and facilitate the import process.

Firearms Guide
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