Publications Library

ATF occasionally issues publications to inform the industries it regulates and the general public about the laws and regulations administered and enforced by ATF. These include guidebooks, newsletters, brochures, studies, and reports.

Title Description Category Document Type
TD-415: Implementation of Public Law 103-159, Relating to the Permanent Provisions of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (Published: 10/29/98 – Effective: 11/30/98) (59 KB) The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) is amending the regulations to implement the provisions of Public Law 103-159, relating to the permanent provisions of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act. These regulations implement the law by requiring, with some exceptions, a licensed firearms importer, manufacturer, or dealer to contact the national instant criminal background check system (NICS) before transferring any firearm to an unlicensed individual. NICS will advise the licensee whether the system contains any information that the prospective purchaser is prohibited by law from possessing or receiving a firearm. Rules and Regulations Report
virginia051017.pdf (59 KB) May 2017 Location of Abandoned/Unclaimed property by state. Resource Center Report
alabama051017.pdf (60 KB) May 2017 Location of Abandoned/Unclaimed property by state. Resource Center Report
connecticut051017.pdf (59 KB) May 2017 Location of Abandoned/Unclaimed property by state. Resource Center Report
florida051017.pdf (60 KB) May 2017 Location of Abandoned/Unclaimed property by state. Resource Center Report
kentucky051017.pdf (63 KB) May 2017 Location of Abandoned/Unclaimed property by state. Resource Center Report
michigan051017.pdf (59 KB) May 2017 Location of Abandoned/Unclaimed property by state. Resource Center Report
newyork051017.pdf (59 KB) May 2017 Location of Abandoned/Unclaimed property by state. Resource Center Report
oregon051017.pdf (60 KB) May 2017 Location of Abandoned/Unclaimed property by state. Resource Center Report
pennsylvania051017.pdf (59 KB) May 2017 Location of Abandoned/Unclaimed property by state. Resource Center Report
tennessee051017.pdf (59 KB) May 2017 Location of Abandoned/Unclaimed property by state. Resource Center Report
texas051017.pdf (59 KB) May 2017 Location of Abandoned/Unclaimed property by state. Resource Center Report
List of Explosive Materials - 2002 (41 KB) Notice of List of Explosive Materials. Five additions: Azide explosives, HMTD [hexamethylenetriperoxidediamine], Nitrate explosive mixtures, Picrate explosives and TATP [triacetonetriperoxide] Explosives Report
2015 Report on Firearms Commerce in the U.S. (1176 KB) This is the 2015 Annual Statistical Update on Firearms Commerce in the United States. (This publication has been updated to correct 2013 firearms manufactured total in Exhibit 1.) About ATF Report
TD-402: Posting of Signs and Written Notification to Purchasers of Handguns (Published: 07/13/98 – Effective: 09/11/98) (70 KB)

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) is amending the firearms regulations to require that signs be posted on the premises of Federal firearms licensees and that written notification be issued with each handgun sold advising of the provisions of the Youth Handgun Safety Act.

Rules and Regulations Report
TD-404: This final rule amends regulations relating to the manufacturers excise tax on firearms and ammunition. (Published: 10/01/98 – Effective: 11/30/98) (70 KB)

This final rule amends regulations relating to the manufacturers excise tax on firearms and ammunition. Under 26 U.S.C. 4181, a tax is imposed on the sale by the manufacturer, importer or producer of firearms, shells, and cartridges. The tax is 10 percent of the sale price for pistols and revolvers, 11 percent for firearms (other than pistols and revolvers), and 11 percent for shells and cartridges. Current regulations provide that no tax is imposed by section 4181 on the sale of parts or accessories of firearms, pistols, revolvers, shells, and cartridges when sold separately or when sold with a complete firearm. This final rule amends the regulations to clarify which parts and accessories must be included in the sale price when calculating the tax on firearms.

Rules and Regulations Report
National Firearms Act Branch (ATF P 5320.6) (1648 KB) This brochure provides information about ATF's National Firearms Act (NFA) Branch. Firearms Guide
TD 427: Extension of Package Use-Up Rule for Roll-Your-Own Tobacco Manufacturers and Importers (Published: 06/29/2000) (121 KB)

In Treasury Decision ATF–424, ATF issued temporary regulations requiring manufacturers and importers to mark packages of roll-your-own tobacco as either ‘‘roll-your-own tobacco’’ or ‘‘Tax Class J.’’ The temporary regulations provided a use up period until April 1, 2000 for manufacturers who used packages that did not meet the marking requirements, provided they used the packages before January 1, 2000.

Resource Center Report
TD-419: Implementation of Public Law 104-132, the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, Relating to the Marking of Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Detection. (Published:10/14/99 – Effective: 12/13/99) (27 KB)

This final rule implements certain provisions of the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104-132).  These regulations implement the law by requiring detection agents for plastic explosives. The final rule also authorizes the use of four specific detection agents to mark plastic explosives and provides for the designation of other detection agents.

Explosives Report
TD-416: Delegation of Authority in 27 CFR Part 1 (Published: 09/15/99 – Effective: 09/15/99) (17 KB)

Authority delegation. This final rule places most ATF authorities contained in part 1, title 27 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), with the “appropriate ATF officer” and requires that persons file documents required by part 1, title 27 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), with the “appropriate ATF officer” or in accordance with the instructions on the ATF form. Also, this final rule removes the definitions of, and references to, specific officers subordinate to the Director.

Resource Center Report
Alaska Firearms Trace Data – 2014 (1966 KB)

This brochure contains trace data related information from January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014.

About ATF Report
ATF Quarterly Bulletin 2001, Volume 1 – Table of Contents (10 KB)

This document contains the table of contents for this bulletin.

Resource Center Report
ATF 43P (213 KB) Importation of Arms, Ammunition and Implements of War and Machine Guns, Destructive Devices, and Certain Other Firearms; Extending the Term of Import Permits (2010R–26P). The effective date of this final rule is April 8, 2014. - This rule amends the regulations of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to extend the standard term of import permits for firearms, ammunition, and defense articles from 1 year to 2 years. The additional time will allow importers sufficient time to complete the importation of the authorized commodity. In addition, it will eliminate the need for the importer to submit a new import application, ATF Form 6, where the importation was not completed within the 1-year period.
Rules and Regulations Report
ATF 25I (236 KB) Importation of Arms, Ammunition and Defense Articles--Removal of Certain Defense Articles Currently on the U.S. Munitions Import List That No Longer Warrant Import Control Under the Arms Export Control Act.”  The effective date of this finale rule is April 28, 2014.  Comments on this interim final rule are due on or before June 25, 2014.  To submit a comment electronically, use the http://www.regulations.govfor Docket No. ATF 25I.  To submit comments by mail or fax, see the instructions included within the notice.  To view all comments and documents associated with this rulemaking, go to Rules and Regulations Report
2014 USBDC Explosive Incident Report (1969 KB)

The Annual Explosives Incident Report (EIR) reviews bombing and explosives related incidents and threats from data reported to the United States Bomb Data Center (USBDC) through the Bomb Arson Tracking System (BATS).

Explosives Report
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