Marcus Toney Case

The Crime and Investigation

In 2000, Marcus Toney was killed instantly when he opened a booby-trapped gift package. His "gift" contained two electrically initiated pipe bombs. A subsequent investigation by ATF, Chicago (Illinois) Police Department and U.S. Postal Inspections Service determined that Toney's wife was having an affair with Sienky Lallemand, a convicted felon. Lallemand had also stolen Toney's identity, accruing debts of $200,000.

Image of all Perpetrators in Murder

Image of all Perpetrators in Murder


Image of Investigation Diagram

Image of Investigation Diagram

The Arrest and Adjudication

Sienky Lallemand, who had fled to Jamaica and undergone plastic surgery to change his identity, was arrested in Los Angeles, California. He was sentenced to four consecutive life terms without parole. Marcus Toney's wife, Lisa, was sentenced to life imprisonment without parole. Four additional defendants were charged and convicted of conspiracy, fraud and harboring a fugitive. They received sentences ranging from one year probation to 15 years imprisonment.

Last Reviewed January 15, 2025