
Industry Operations Investigator inspects the explosives activity in a stone quarryLuis is as an Industry Operations Investigator in the San Francisco Field Division who is an original member of the Major Inspection Team. Prior to starting his ATF career, Luis attended law school and worked as a clerk who prepared cases for litigation, but his heart was not in practicing law. Luis always wanted to be a federal investigator and he found working with the firearms and explosives industries to be exciting. During his career, he has traveled extensively to new places and he has interviewed various professionals from scientists to former Wall Street executives. When not at work, Luis enjoys being a father, gardening, baseball, and collecting vinyl records.

Luis’ parents, who emigrated from Mexico, have always served as his inspiration because of their strong work ethic and their willingness to risk everything to give the American dream to their children. He is grateful to his parents for providing vision and raising him in a diverse, close-knit community.

Thank you, Luis, for encouraging others to meet their goals and for embodying the American dream. It’s what makes ATF collectively better.

Last Reviewed May 22, 2020