Police Check Inquiry and Pre-Screening Qualifications Certification (OMB Number 1140–0068)

Revision of an Existing Information Collection
The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 requires agencies to publish proposed information collections in the Federal Register for public comment before an agency can use the process (generally a form) to collect information from the public. This proposed information collection (form) was previously published in the Federal Register Aug. 21, 2014. Consistent with the Paperwork Reduction Act, this notice provides an additional 30 days for additional public comment on the forms. The proposed information collection pertains to information necessary to determine if individuals (potential contractors, task force officers, and volunteers) interested in providing services to ATF meet the Department of Justice and ATF basic qualification requirements to be considered for access to ATF information, information technology systems, and/or facilities. These agency specific requirements include, but are not limited to, residency, citizenship, drug use, financial history, firearms/explosives licensing, criminal history, and conduct qualifications. The revision is modifying ATF Form 8620.62 to conform to DOJ’s qualification requirements for non-U.S. citizen contract personnel.
Release Date: 
Comment Period: 
10/24/2014 to 11/24/2014
Last Reviewed April 4, 2017