Revision of a previously approved collection
Information Collection (IC) OMB 1140–0036 (FFL Out of Business Records Request—ATF Form 5300.3A) is used by ATF to notify licensees who go out of business and fail to submit their records in the prescribed time frame. The questions are simple and a return physical or email address is provided. The format is easy for the user to list the required information ATF needs to perform its function regarding laws and regulations. Upon receipt of this form, licensees are to submit their records to the ATF Out-of-Business Records or transfer them to an active FFL successor. Information collection (IC) OMB #1140–0036 is being revised to reflect minor changes in narrative text to articulate more clearly what out- of-business records are required to be submitted, where they are to be submitted, and how they are to be submitted to the ATF OOBRC by OOB FFLs.
Release Date:
Comment Period:
12/09/2024 to 01/08/2025
Link to Official Document: