- Name: Nancy
- Specialty: Explosives Detection/Search Enhanced Evidence K-9 (S.E.E.K.)
- Breed: Labrador Retriever
- Color: Black
- Sex: Female
- Weight: 56 pounds
- Birthday: May 9, 2021
- Training: ATF National Canine Training Center, Front Royal, VA
- Handler: Special Agent Canine Handler Jesse Hooker
- Location: Jacksonville Field Office
Nancy is an ATF Explosives Detection Canine assigned to the ATF’s Jacksonville, Florida, Field Office with Special Agent Canine Handler Jesse Hooker. Nancy is also an ATF Search Enhanced Evidence K-9 (S.E.E.K.), which allows her to work off leash away from her handler. Nancy helps combat violent crime across the country by detecting explosives, firearms, ammunition and post blast debris. When not working, Nancy loves chasing lizards, playing tug-of-war and catching waves at the beach.