If you intend to engage in a business involving the dealing, manufacturing, or importing of firearms, or manufacturing or importing ammunition, you must apply for a federal firearms license (FFL) from ATF.
A person may seek a collector of curios and relics license which applies only to transactions related to acquiring, holding, or disposing of curio and relic firearms as defined in 27 CFR 478.11. A person who desires to be licensed as a collector of curio and relic firearms shall file an application for such license.
FFLs are issued to eligible people in accordance with the Gun Control Act of 1968 and must be renewed every three years. This general information is presented as a starting point only and does not cover all situations and requirements.
Any person engaged in the business of selling firearms at wholesale or retail; repairing firearms or fitting barrels, stocks, or trigger mechanisms to firearms (gunsmiths); or a pawnbroker (taking or receiving firearms by pledge or pawn as security for the payment or repayment of money). Reference 27 CFR 478.11.
Type 01: Dealer in Firearms Other than Destructive Devices (Includes Gunsmiths)
Application fee: $200
Renewal (Every three years): $90
With this license, you can:
- Sell firearms at wholesale or retail.
- Repair firearms or make or fit special barrels, stocks, or trigger mechanisms to firearms.
- Occasionally import firearms. Reference 27 CFR 478.113.
Type 02: Pawnbroker in Firearms Other than Destructive Devices
Application fee: $200
Renewal (Every three years): $90
With this license, you can:
- Take or receive, by way of pledge or pawn, firearms as security for the payment or repayment of money. Reference 27 CFR 478.113.
- Occasionally import firearms.
Type 09: Dealer in Destructive Devices
Application fee: $3,000
Renewal (Every three years): $3,000
With this license, you can:
- Sell firearms, including destructive devices, at wholesale or retail.
- Occasionally import firearms. Reference 27 CFR 478.113.
Note: No license is required for dealing ammunition only.
Any person engaged in the business of manufacturing firearms or ammunition by devoting time, attention, and labor to manufacturing firearms or ammunition as a regular course of trade or business with the principal objective of livelihood and profit through the sale or distribution of the firearms or ammunition manufactured. Reference 27 CFR 478.11
Type 06: Manufacturer of Ammunition for Firearms Other than Ammunition for Destructive Devices or Armor Piercing Ammunition
Application fee: $30
Renewal (Every three years): $30
With this license, you can:
- Manufacture ammunition for firearms other than destructive devices or armor piercing ammunition.
Type 07: Manufacturer of Firearms Other than Destructive Devices
Application fee: $150
Renewal (Every three years): $150
With this license, you can:
- Manufacture firearms other than destructive devices, and ammunition for firearms other than destructive devices.
- Sell firearms other than destructive devices at wholesale or retail.
- Occasionally import firearms. Reference 27 CFR 478.113.
Type 10: Manufacturer of Destructive Devices, Ammunition for Destructive Devices or Armor Piercing Ammunition
Application fee: $3,000
Renewal (Every three years): $3,000
With this license, you can:
- Manufacture firearms, including destructive devices.
- Manufacture ammunition for firearms, including destructive devices, as well as armor piercing ammunition.
- Sell firearms, including destructive devices, ammunition for destructive devices, and armor piercing ammunition.
- Occasionally import firearms. Reference 27 CFR 478.113.
Note: A licensed firearms manufacturer is not required to also obtain a Type 06 ammunition manufacturer’s license to manufacture ammunition at the licensed premises, nor a Type 01 dealer’s license to sell the same type of firearms authorized by the manufacturer’s license at the licensed premises. A manufacturer of firearms may not, however, import firearms, except for occasional importation as provided in 27 CFR 478.113.
Any person engaged in the business of importing or bringing firearms or ammunition into the United States for sale or distribution. Reference 27 CFR 478.11.
Type 08: Importer of Firearms Other than Destructive Devices or Ammunition for Firearms Other than Destructive Devices, or Ammunition Other than Armor Piercing Ammunition
Application fee: $150
Renewal (Every three years): $150
With this license, you can:
- Import firearms other than destructive devices and ammunition other than for destructive devices, and non-armor piercing ammunition.
- Sell the same type of firearms and ammunition authorized to be imported at wholesale or retail.
Type 11: Importer of Destructive Devices, Ammunition for Destructive Devices or Armor Piercing Ammunition
Application fee: $3,000
Renewal (Every three years): $3,000
With this license, you can:
- Import firearms, including destructive devices, and ammunition, including ammunition for destructive devices and armor piercing ammunition.
- Sell firearms, including destructive devices, and ammunition, including ammunition for destructive devices and armor piercing ammunition at wholesale or retail.
Note: A licensed firearms importer is not required to also apply for a license as a dealer in firearms to sell the same type of firearms authorized to be imported by the importer’s license. However, an importer may not manufacture firearms without obtaining a separate manufacturer’s license.
Any person who acquires, holds or disposes of firearms as curios or relics. Reference 27 CFR 478.11.
Type 03: Collector of Curios and Relics
Application fee: $30
Renewal (Every three years): $30
With this license, you can:
- Acquire curios and relics in any state and transport or bring those curios and relics back to the collector’s state of residence.
- Sell, trade, or transfer curios and relics to residents of the collector’s state, as well as a licensee who does not reside in the collector’s state of residence.
Note: This license allows you to acquire curio and relic firearms in interstate commerce; to transfer, sell, or deliver curio and relic firearms to another licensee who is a resident of any state; and to transfer curio and relic firearms to another licensee at a qualifying gun show or event in a state other than the collector’s state of residence. A collector’s license does not authorize a collector to engage in the business of dealing in firearms, even when those firearms are curios and relics.
Application Process
Once you’ve determined the correct firearm license(s) you need, follow the instructions for applying for a firearms license. You will need a separate firearms license for each place you intend to do business. Be sure to include the correct application fee which you can pay by check, credit card or money order.
The Federal Firearms Licensing Center will approve or deny a properly completed application within 60 days; however, there are factors that could affect this time estimate. Check our current processing times for ATF applications and eForms. You can contact us at 1-866-662-2750 or by email at FFLC@atf.gov(link sends e-mail) for more information about your application.
Note: National Firearms Act firearms are subject to the provisions of the NFA as it relates to manufacture and transfer of such firearms.
For additional information on federal firearms licenses, please visit our FFL licensing FAQs.