- Name: Kali
- Specialty: Explosives Detection/Search Enhanced Evidence K-9 (S.E.E.K.)
- Breed: Labrador Retriever
- Color: Yellow
- Sex: Female
- Weight: 56 pounds
- Birthday: December 25, 2020
- Training: ATF National Canine Center, Front Royal, VA
- Handler: Special Agent Canine Handler Creighton Brandt
- Location: Phoenix Field Division
K-9 Kali is an ATF Explosives Detection Canine assigned to Special Agent Canine Handler (SACH) Creighton Brandt and they work in the Tucson, Arizona Field Office in the Phoenix Field Division. Her job is to find explosives, guns, and ammunition.
K-9 Kali is also an ATF Search Enhanced Evidence K-9 (S.E.E.K.), able to work off leash up to 150 yards away from her handler and detect more than 19,000 distinct odors. K-9 Kali started her training with Puppies Behind Bars.
Recent Finds
In early August 2022, SACH Brandt and K-9 Kali assisted the Tucson Police Department Homicide Unit with a gang-related shooting investigation surrounding the shooting death of a juvenile and shooting injuries of several other individuals. During the multi-scene investigation, K-9 Kali alerted police to a shell casing at one scene and a bullet fragment at another.
In September 2022, while supporting local authorities in Wilcox, Arizona, ATF obtained a federal search warrant regarding an individual that was manufacturing pipe bombs. K-9 Kali conducted a search and alerted law enforcement to the passenger-side front door on the suspect’s vehicle. A special agent bomb tech was then called in and located a duffel bag directly behind the front passenger seat that contained pipe bomb components and suspected explosive powder.