ATF, PBP Seek Public’s Help in Police Vehicle Arsons
PITTSBURGH, Pa. — The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in conjunction with the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police are offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to the identification, arrest and conviction for those responsible for the May 30 arson of two PBP police vehicles that occurred during the recent civil unrest.
Individuals, posed as protestors, vandalized and set fire to two PBP police vehicles. The first arson of a marked PBP vehicle occurred along Centre Avenue in front of the lower Centre Avenue entrance of PPG Paints Arena, 1001 Fifth Ave. The second arson of an unmarked PBP vehicle took place just moments later on Washington Place near the Fifth Avenue entrance to PPG Paints Arena. ATF and PBP are seeking the public’s assistance with identifying the individuals pictured below.
Anyone with information about this crime should contact ATF at (888) ATF-TIPS (1-888-283-8477), or the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police (412-323-7800). Information can also be sent to, through ATF’s website at Tips can be submitted anonymously using the Reportit® app, available from both Google Play and the Apple App store, or by visiting
ATF is the federal law enforcement agency with jurisdiction for investigating fires and crimes of arson. More information about ATF and its programs is available at Follow @ATFPhiladelphia on Twitter for more news about ATF’s work in Pennsylvania.

Four masked suspects, 2 wearing sunglasses, walking and one male suspect damaging a police vehicle.

Masked, white male suspect in denim jean jacket and blue jeans with black gloves