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Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

Reward Notice

Contact: Matthew Fleming
For Immediate Release
Friday, May 8, 2020

ATF, Local Donors Offer Reward of Up to $10,000 for Information About the Murder of Chernet Tiruneh “Chappa” in Rochester, New York

Rochester, N.Y. - The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and local community donors are offering a combined reward of up to $10,000.00 (up to $5,000 from ATF and up to $5,000 from donors) for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for Chernet Tiruneh’s murder. An additional monetary reward from Crime Stoppers could also be available.

Chernet Tiruneh (known to many friends as “Alex” or “Chappa”) was a local merchant who was killed by an unknown person or persons at Chappa Grocery, 202 Grand Avenue around 9:20 p.m. He was only 34 years old. The suspect(s) in this investigation are still outstanding and Rochester Police Investigators are looking for your help. Chernet’s family and friends in the Beechwood neighborhood are mourning the loss of their loved one. Please help to identify the individual(s) responsible for this senseless act of violence.      

Anyone with information about this case should contact ATF at 1-888-ATF-GUNS (888-283-4867), RPD Major Crimes Sergeant David Joseph at 585-428-9910, Crime Stoppers at 585-423-9300, through the P-3(link is external) app or via email sends email). You can also contact ATF through its website at Tips may also be submitted to the ATF through the Reportit® app, available on both Google Play and the Apple App Store, or by visiting is external). All tips will remain confidential.

ATF, along with our law enforcement partners, is committed to ensuring that our communities are safe and that those who violate federal laws are held accountable. ATF is the federal agency with jurisdiction for investigating violations of federal firearms laws. More information about ATF and its programs can be found at 


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