What's New

ATF’s explosive detection K9 teams work tirelessly to keep communities safe, and we are recognizing their hard work with a free 2025 ATF National Canine Division Planner. It features some of our beautiful, intelligent K9s!
The ATF Citizens’ Academy Application—ATF form 300.12 (ATF Form 3000.12) will be used to collect personally identifiable information to determine an individual’s eligibility to participate in the Citizens Academy training program. Information Collection (IC) OMB 1140–0108 is being revised to include the monetized value (from $0 to $ $83 (rounded)), which this ICR did not include before. The number of respondents has also decreased since 2021, from 750 to 36, resulting in a consequential decrease in the total burden hours from 63 hours to 3.6 hours.
Under the Government Performance and Results Modernization Act of 2010, ATF must update its strategic plan every four years and identify key external factors that could significantly affect their ability to achieve strategic goals and objectives. For this purpose, ATF conducts outreach for feedback from ATF stakeholders as part of the Bureau's quadrennial assessment process. Information Collection (IC) OMB 1140-0052 is being revised to include the monetized value of respondent time in this renewal (from $0 to $535), which was not previously included. There has also been a decrease in the number of respondents over time, from 1,500 to 47 and a reduction in the collective hour burden from 450 hours to 2 hours.
The Forensic Firearm Training Request for Non-ATF Students (ATF F 7110.15) will be used to obtain information from Federal, State and local, and international law enforcement personnel to register, obtain course information, and/or evaluate ATF forensic firearms investigative techniques training. Information Collection (IC) OMB 1140–0108 is being revised to include the monetized value (from $0 to $ 1,832 (rounded)), which this ICR did not include before. The number of respondents has also increased since 2021, from 75 to 150, resulting in a consequential increase in the total burden hours from 29.5 hours to 37.5 hours.