Guide to Standard Restriction Stamps for ATF Import Permit Applications Table of Contents

Guide to Standard Restriction Stamps for ATF Import Permit Applications

Last Revised: April 7, 2011

This document is intended to help familiarize you with the more common restrictions used on ATF Form 6 import permits for firearms, ammunition, and implements of war.

Table of Contents

A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z
  • Action rifle barrels #40
  • ATF Address #15
  • AECA-small arms and cannons #5
  • AECA Tanks #13
  • Aircraft complete with fuselage #24
  • Alien-Temporary stay in U.S. #34
  • Ammunition-small arms (sporting ammo-AP) #12
  • Ammunition (sporting) #25
  • Ammunition-nonsporting (testing and research) #52
  • Antique firearms #35
  • Assault firearms assemble shotgun/rifle parts #38
  • Assembled shotgun/rifle parts #38
  • Attached Diagram #45
  • Attachments to the Form 6 #19
  • Attachments-Int’l Import Certificate (IIC) #11
  • Barrels/frames/receivers for sporting firearms #49
  • Barrels/frames/Receivers for N/S and NFA #50
  • Barrels, frames or receivers for Surplus Military #51
  • Barrels authorized for importation for N/S and NFA #50
  • Browning Hi-Power Model 1935 #33
  • Certified True Copy of Form 6 #30
  • Change made by applicant #43
  • Change made by ATF/Office #41
  • China/proscribed country #44
  • Colt pistols, models 1911, 1911A1 #46
  • Conditional per attachment #7
  • Crime Bill (rifles and handguns) #2
  • Dealer-Internal Use/NFA Sales Sample #23
  • Deletions made by office #27
  • Deletions made by applicant #28
  • Demonstration (gun shows) #36
  • Denials/Disapprovals #8
  • Diagram Attached #45
  • Disapprovals of Forms 6 #8
  • End #42
  • Evaluation/Testing conditional import #7
  • Firearm Parts-no frames or receivers #10
  • Form 6 not needed (antique, flare and BB guns)#35
  • Frames/barrels/receivers for SM #51
  • Frames/barrels/receivers for sporting firearms #49
  • Frames/barrels/receivers for N/S and NFA #52
  • Glock pistols models 17, 19 and 22 #39
  • Government Use #31
  • Gun Show-demo-ATF test/evaluation #36


  • Handguns (state law) #26, Mass,IL,NY,Guam,PR,VI
  • High Standard-21S-HS-121/S revolvers #47
  • High Cap Ammo Feeding Devices prior 9/13/94 #37
  • High Cap Ammo Feed Devices after 9/13/94-LE #21
  • Illustrations #45
  • Internal Use NFA Sales Sample #23
  • International Import Certificate (IIC) attachments #11
  • Law Enforcement-NFA Title II #22
  • Law Enforcement Title I-nonsporting firearms #31
  • Machineguns (complete machineguns for LE/Govt) #22
  • Machineguns (sale samples-internal use only) #23
  • Machinegun parts (not fully automatic) #6
  • Marking requirements (T27) #1
  • Military 60 days #3
  • Miscellaneous parts for small arms and cannon-AECA #5
  • NFA weapons-Title II #22
  • NFA weapons-Sales sample ONLY #23
  • No barrels/frames/receivers for sporting firearms #49
  • No barrels/frames/Receivers for N/S and NFA #52
  • No barrels, frames or receivers for SM #51
  • No barrels authorized for importation #50
  • No frames and receivers for small arms/cannon #5
  • No frames or receivers #10
  • No frames/barrels/receivers for surplus military #51
  • No frames/barrels/receivers for sporting firearms #49
  • No frames/barrels/receivers for N/S and NFA #52
  • No Permit Needed (antique, flare and BB guns) #35
  • Nonresident aliens-temporary stay #34
  • Nonsporting ammunition (research & scientific) #52
  • Nonsporting-Title I-firearms #31
  • Nonsporting/assault/NFA - no Barrels allowed #50
  • No surplus military frames, barrels, receivers. #51
  • Not for Resale #9
  • Not fully Automatic (machinegun parts) #6
  • Nothing Follows #42
  • Office Deletions made by ATF #27
  • Office Deletions per applicants request #28
  • Original Configuration SMCR’s #32
  • Permit Attachment #19
  • Permit NOT Needed (antique, flare and BB guns) #35
  • Proscribed Country/China #44
  • Proscribed Country Russian origin and Soviet Union #53
  • Receivers/frames/barrels for N/S and NFA #52
  • Receivers/frames/barrels for SM #51
  • Receivers/frames/barrels for sporting firearms #49
  • Research/Scientific nonsporting ammo #52
  • Reverse side #14
  • Rifle action barrels #40
  • Rifles & handguns-complete firearms #2
  • Rifle/Shotgun Parts #38
  • Russian origin firearms #53
  • S&W 38 caliber revolvers #48
  • S&W 38 caliber revolvers #48
  • S&W revolvers, calibers 38 #48
  • Sale sample (internal use only) SOT #23
  • Scientific/Research nonsporting ammo #52
  • Short barrels (barrel action only) #40
  • Shotguns #20
  • Shotgun/Rifle Parts #38
  • Sixty (60) Days-military personnel only #3
  • Small Ammo #12
  • Smith & Wesson, 38 caliber revolvers #48
  • Smith and Wesson (S&W) revolvers, calibers 38 #48
  • Soviet Union proscribed countries #53
  • State law for handguns #26
  • Studied 58 rifle parts #38
  • Surplus military curios or relics #32
  • Surplus military frames/barrels/receivers #51
  • Tanks/tanks parts #13
  • Temporary-Nonresident Alien (VISA) #34
  • Testing/Evaluation conditional import #7
  • Title I nonsporting #31
  • Title II NFA weapons-Govt/LE #22
  • Title 27 marking requirements #1
  • True attachment sheet #19
  • True Certified Copy of Form 6 #30
  • Walther Model PP pistols #18
  • Walther Model P38 pistols #16
  • Walther Model PPK pistols #4
Last Reviewed August 14, 2024