- Name: Willow
- Specialty: Explosives Detection/Search Enhanced Evidence K-9 (S.E.E.K.)
- Breed: Labrador Retriever
- Color: Yellow
- Sex: Female
- Weight: 65 pounds
- Birthday: July 19, 2018
- Training: ATF National Canine Center, Front Royal, VA
- Handler: Special Agent Canine Handler George Linen
- Location: Detroit Field Division
K-9 Willow is an ATF Explosives Detection Canine assigned to the Detroit Field Division with Special Agent Canine Handler George Linen. Her job is to find explosives, guns and ammunition. K-9 Willow is also an ATF Search Enhanced Evidence K-9 (S.E.E.K.) able to work off leash up to 150 yards away from her handler and detect more than 19,000 distinct odors.
K-9 Willow started her training with the Puppies Behind Bars foundation. When she is not working, K-9 Willow enjoys swimming, hiking and playing with her non-working canine friends in the neighborhood.
Recent Detail
In addition to supporting ATF missions in Detroit, K-9 Willow has assisted local, state and federal law enforcement partners with a variety of crime scenes. She graduated from the ATF Canine Training Center during the peak of the 2020 presidential election campaign, and served on security details for multiple campaign rallies throughout Detroit.