Explosives Recognition & IED Exploitation (ERIE) for Intelligence Analysts (Course ID EXPL-CS-0028)

The Explosives Recognition and IED Exploitation (ERIE) course introduces intelligence analysts to commercial explosives, homemade explosives, post blast investigative techniques, and trends. During the class, participants learn how to process crime scenes by using world-class techniques and applying them to real-world scenarios.

The class shares best practices used by law enforcement and military investigating counter-improvised explosive device incidents. Analysts also learn how to process bombing scenes and leverage lessons learned from recent global explosive crimes. The National Center for Explosives Training and Research (NCETR) hosts ERIE at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama.

Course Topics

  • Introduction to explosives and explosives effects
  • Commercial and home-made explosive demonstrations
  • Technical exploitation and component identification
  • Introduction to industry operations
  • Practical Commercial Product Identification exercise
  • U.S. Bomb Data Center and Bomb Arson Tracking System

Target Audience

Current and newly hired intelligence analysts.


This course is open to all full time intelligence analysts and public safety officials responsible for bombing and explosion investigations.

Tuition and Costs

ATF provides lodging, per diem, instructors, classroom, supplies, training materials and range tools. ATF will also reimburse travel expenses and baggage after student receipts are submitted to the Post Blast Program Manager. Students must provide their own transportation while in Huntsville.

Length of Training

ERIE training takes place over five days, from Monday to Friday. Students are expected to travel on Sunday and Saturday.

How to Apply

Download and complete ATF F 6310.1 — Arson and Explosives Training Request for Non-ATF Employees. Send your completed form to PBIT@atf.gov(link sends e-mail).

All applicants will receive an email notification regarding the status of their application along with available course dates.

Current Course Dates

Dates Location
Feb. 3 - 7, 2025 NCETR, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama


Please contact PBIT at PBIT@atf.gov(link sends e-mail) for additional information.

Last Reviewed March 13, 2025