Serial Number Restoration Training (Course ID FRMS-CS-0022)

Serial Number Restoration Training
(Course ID FRMS-CS-0022)

Course Description: This is a 3 day class which supports the identification and tracing of firearms recovered in criminal investigations. It is highly advanced and technical in nature. Students receive hands-on training utilizing various methods to raise obliterated serial numbers from firearms.

Host Laboratories: Applications to host this training will be accepted from law enforcement laboratories. The host laboratory will be required to provide various chemicals, supplies, firearms, and facilities to accommodate the training. Supplies required include chemical reagents, spray bottles for water, adequate classroom and lab space including two – three operating fuming hoods, power point projector, and flip chart or blackboard. The host laboratory may invite the appropriate number of students their facility will accommodate. Please contact training coordinators listed below for host agreement.

Prerequisites for Attendance: Students must be working currently in the position of Firearms/Toolmark Examiner or Trainee in a Forensic Laboratory or provide documentation verifying that they perform restorations for their department. Students must bring lab coat and protective eyewear to class.

For training scheduled at State and Local Enforcement Laboratories: Host laboratories may invite students from their lab as well as other jurisdictions. However, all students are required to complete and submit the State and Local Training Registration Request available on this website. Students attending training at host labs must bring 10 firearms for restoration. Firearms that have been designated for destruction by student’s department may be utilized. Serial numbers will be obliterated during class practical exercises. There is no cost for the training however students are responsible for their own travel, lodging and incidental expenses.

For training scheduled at the ATF National Laboratory Center: Applications for this training will be accepted from law enforcement laboratories. The training will be held at the ATF National Laboratory Center in Ammendale, Maryland. There is no cost for the training however students are responsible for their own travel, lodging and incidental expenses. Firearms will be provided by ATF for the restoration practical exercises.

All prospective students (regardless of class location) must complete the Forensic Firearm Training Request for Non-ATF Employees form and email to

If have any questions please contact a member of the NFEA staff.

Jodi Marsanopoli
NFEA Program Manager

Course Dates
Oct. 22-24, 2024 (FULL) ATF National Laboratory Center, Ammendale, Maryland
Dec. 10-12, 2024 (FULL) ATF National Laboratory Center, Ammendale, Maryland


Last Reviewed October 15, 2024